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Significados dos códigos de evento do MDaemon

500 - ODBC DSN %s for list %s could not be opened; message to list was not sent to ODBC members [EvODBC]
501 - RFC 2822 states that you MUST define a %s alias [EvRFC]
502 - Network subsystem failure, WINSOCK.DLL not loaded [EvNetwork]
503 - %s %s:%d could not be initialized [EvNetwork]
504 - DNS server IP address is blank; please provide a DNS server IP (Setup->Primary Domain screen) [EvDNS]
505 - MDaemon's database connection failed so MDaemon was forced to refuse a mail session [EvDatabase]
506 - %s tried to send a message as %s without proper authentication [EvSecurity]
507 - MDaemon could not start because NTUtil.dll could not be loaded, err:%d [EvDLL]
508 - LDaemon LDAP server could not be started [EvProcess]
509 - MDaemon could not start because CFilter.dll could not be loaded [EvDLL]
510 - MDaemon could not start because MDUser.dll, MDUserODBC.dll, or MDUserLDAP.dll could not be loaded [EvDLL]
511 - MDaemon could not start because MDCalendar.dll could not be loaded [EvDLL]
512 - MDaemon could not start because MDList.dll could not be loaded [EvDLL]
513 - Failed to start process %s (FailPoint: %d, Error: %d/%d) [EvProcess]
514 - Failed to start process CFENGINE.EXE; mail can be queued but not delivered (FailPoint: %d, Error: %d/%d) [EvProcess]
515 - Failed to start process %s as user '%s' on '%s'; started as default user instead; (FailPoint: %d, Error: %d/%d) [EvProcess]
516 - Connection from %s refused by dynamic screening; %d minute(s) remain [EvTarpit]
517 - %s automatically added to dynamic screening for %d minute(s) [EvTarpit]
518 - %s connected %d time(s) within %d minute(s) [EvTarpit]
519 - %s failed %d authentication attempt(s) [EvTarpit] 520 %s tried sending to %d unknown recipient(s) [EvTarpit]
521 - %s gave false logon/password to POP server; user: %s [EvSecurity]
522 - The '[Special] RefuseNULLReturnPath' option is set to YES in MDaemon.ini; this is an RFC violation [EvRFC]
523 - RFC does not require that HELO or MAIL identification match to the sending server yet MDaemon is configured to refuse mail in these cases (Reverse Lookup properties) [EvRFC]
524 - $AVLONGPRODUCTNAME$ subscription/trial has expired; contact or visit for renewal instructions [EvSecurity]
525 - WorldClient was expected to be running but wasn't; restart attempt was %s [EvProcess]
526 - Reserved
527 - Spam Filter did not respond within expected time limit; CFEngine may have stopped responding; it will be stopped and restarted [EvProcess]
528 - MDaemon requires an installed and enabled Network Interface Card; software can not load [EvDLL]
529 - RFC 2142 states that you MUST define an %s alias [EvRFC]
530 - Attempt to logon and impersonate user '%s' on domain %s failed (Thread ID: %d, Error: %d) [EvProcess]
531 - AntiVirus did not respond within expected time limit; CFEngine may have stopped responding; it will be stopped and restarted [EvProcess]
532 - MDaemon could not load HashCash.dll.  HashCash stamps can not be minted [EvDLL]
533 - MDaemon could not start MDSpamD.exe.  AntiSpam services will not be possible [EvProcess]
534~547 - Reserved
548 - Server startup: %s [EvStartup]
549 - Server shut down: %s [EvStartup]

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Desenvolvimento: Expertu Comércio Virtual e Marketing